Personal Note from Clyrese
Proverbs 31: 18 "She watches for bargains; her lights burn late into the night." (Contemporary English Version)
November 2009 I got a job. Then I made sure I got the things I wanted. I found myself robbing Peter to pay Paul. Have you ever heard of that saying?
May 2012 I gave my life back to God. And made a conscience decision to serve Him. Aug 2013 I asked God to show me how I handle my money better. I was tired. He showed me how to pay my tithes (Malachi 3:8), catch up on my bills, budget my money, and save for short and long term.
Let's get real...
As a woman I love shoes, purses, and most importantly getting my hair and nails done bi-weekly. I can't leave my son out, he has to have a hair cut bi-weekly too. That is what I love! I didn't want to do without and refused to. But when the going got tough the money to do these things was scarce. I was forced to do without. That hurt!One day in August I sat down and calculated the amount of money I made monthly from my job only and how much my expenses were monthly. I made well over enough to pay my expenses, save, and buy what I wanted as well as what I needed. I had to learn how to cut corners by looking at the weekly advertisements, clipping coupons, and signing up for email blasts so I could catch those savings. It takes some time to do all these things. But it is well worth it when was saving $100 or more per month.
Saving and Shopping

Step 1: Preparing Your List
What I started to do is create a menu every month (or week how ever you shop) and I would buy according to the menu. I shop twice per month. In the beginning of the month I purchase all my meats for the following month and the other things the at the end of the month. Also, every week I buy the things we eat all the time (eggs, milk, bread, and bottled water) I know... you may think bottled water. That's not saving. Hey, I won't drink water otherwise. I'm weird like that. :-)
My calendar helps me create my very important shopping list. Shopping lists are important because it gives you a guideline on what you have to buy. It also helps you remember everything your house needs and what you need to prepare your fabulous meal.
Step 2: Where's the best sales
Every week the mail man clutters your mailbox with ads from the surrounding super markets. You probably through them away because you shop at one store every week. I did. Well, instead of throwing them away look in them. Compare their prices to the items you usual by at your favorite grocery story. You will be amazed at how much you will save by shopping around.
I like to shop at two or three stores. I have two favorite stores for my meat. If I don't feel like going to one, i'll go to the other. I have a favorite spot for my fruits and vegetables. If someone has a better sale I'll deviate. IN A HEART BEAT!
I love the idea that had. Grab your shopping list. On your list write the price of a regular item you buy how much it would normally cost at your favorite grocery store. When you get to the store write down how much it cost. When you get home calculate everything. You will see how much you save.
Before you begin your shopping don't take your visa/debit card with you. Leave it home. Instead stop by the bank or ATM machine and withdraw the exact amount of money you need. This will prevent you from over spending.
Coupon Apps- My Second Bff

Another app that is helpful is Groupon. This app lets me know when companies and restaurants have sales. This one is different from Retail Me Not because they only have a certain amount of coupons available. So, once they are sold out, you can no longer able to use it. With Groupon you can take advantage of things like vacation getaways, restaurants, Yoga, etc.
I love coupons. It helps me buy the things I love and things that are helpful.
Let's Talk...
Share with us some other ways that you save money? Do you know of any other helpful apps?

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