Monday, June 1, 2015

Disciplining Your Desires

Personal Note from Clyrese

The look I made when I realized how much
Money I was wasting.  
Discipline was a difficult task for me when I first began being more conscience of my finances.  There are things I loooove to do like eat.  When I get a desire for something sweet or a slice of pizza, or I just don't feel like or have time to cook today my son and I would order take out.  Wawa was only walking distance away.  So that made it even harder.  I had the delivery spots in my area stored on my phone.  It was bad!  I was bad!  I'm surprised I don't weigh more than I do.  It was so bad that when I asked my son what he wanted for dinner he asked for his favorite, Chinese.  Even if I was planning to cook that night.  Bad huh?  The worse.  But I had to force myself to curve my appetite for take out and Krimpets.  It was killing my pockets.  

Every week for about six months my son and I had a routine.  It was as follow along with how much I was wasting...

Wawa Coffee                                                  $1.39 
Wawa Sizzler (breakfast sandwich)                  $2.39 x 2= 4.78
OJ Tropicana                                                   $1.09 

Wawa Shortie (sandwich)                                 $4.39
Work Cafeteria Dining                                      $2.00 x 4= $8.00

Take Out                                                          $25.00   
                                                                        $44.65 per week
                                                                        $178.60 per month!!!!!

Can you imagine that!!!  No wonder where my money was going.  Utterly ridiculous!!!  I was upset with myself when I calculated this money.  I demanded myself to practice discipline when it comes to food.  I did! I stopped drinking coffee and bought tea and went to bed earlier.  I prepared breakfast and lunch the night before instead of spending $13.00 per week at work or Wawa.   Guess what I lost 10 lbs.  I got two bonuses in one! Who can bet that kind of deal, 2 for 1!  

Now I didn't eliminate it all cold turkey!  Heck no!  I treated my son and I twice a month to something we like.  On week Wawa breakfast treat, another week, take out for dinner.  I stopped going to the EDR (Employee Dining Room) completely, because there was always something I like and had to get.  So instead I ate in my car or some other place in the facility where I wouldn't be disturbed.


Discipline is a behavior that is judged by how well it follows a set of rules or orders.

When budgeting you are giving yourself a set of rules and standards that you are forced to follow.  The only person who is judging you is you.  So if you set a budget for yourself and and you go above that budget you are the one to blame.  For example.  You set a budget for your food bill, $200. (Can you tell I still like a good meal.)  You take your children along with you when you go shopping.  Every isle, each child ask for something that is not on your list you put yourself at risk of going over your budget.  Believe me I know, I did it myself.  So I started going shopping without my son, I went shopping when he was at school or with the sitter.  I was able to stay within my budget.  And saw myself saving.


You may be wondering how can I do all these thing.  Well, here are some tips...

1.  Track your spending so you can see where your spending your money.

2.  Once you determined where your money is going deduct, reduce, and ELIMINATE expenses that are not needed.  Refer to our previous blog about Keeping Up with the Jones'.

3. Tell yourself no! I don't need that right now!!!  This is hard when you want something really bad.  What helped me was telling talking to myself.  I told myself, "Clyrese, now there is something that you need to take care of right now.  So can this extremely cute blouse wait another week?"  If the answer is yes, then wait that extra week or two.  

4. If you are still unclear about how to discipline yourself, or your just having a hard time call us, Financial Bondage Broken for a free consultation.  One of our coaches will sit down with you and have a one on one discussion on Finances, budgeting, and planning.

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